
Good Morning Everyone! Clouds cover the stars this morning so it is pretty dark. My coffee keeps me company and is much needed today. It was a long night and I had to get up and down three times. This old body does what it wants to sometimes. The good news is that God chose for me to awaken this morning to share another sunrise with you. There is always a positive side to every situation. Sometimes we can’t see the answers or know why things happen as they do. We have to pray and have faith that there is someone looking over us and we are on the right path. I have to choose to be positive and look for the good in people. Somedays I slip and feel sorry for myself. It is these times that I see someone else hurting or in need of comfort. Life is not about me. It is about us. Reach out to others. It is through giving of ourselves that we reap the greatest rewards. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.