
A long day comes to a close. Family gathered together today. There was a lot of laughter and love served up around the table. I got to the Hang Out just in time to see the sunset. It was a golden sight to behold. To the east, the moon was rising creating a pink glow across the water. It is a beautiful world in which we live. Hold your families close for as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕

Golden Hour

Good Morning Everyone!

The sun is on the rise as I step out this morning. There is a golden sheen across the peanut field. Perhaps that is why it is called the golden hour. Everything shines golden with a promise of a rich new day. The sun warms the land from the cold of night encouraging the crops to grow. God’s light is a golden promise that he walks beside us each day. Our hearts are warmed by his love and we grow in faith and love. We don’t have to see the sunrise to witness the golden hour. It is felt in our hearts and seen in the light of his love that shines through us. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.