Love and Laughter

Good Morning Everyone!

The dawn breaks as the whippoorwill crys out in song. A beautiful day is dawning. We should all sing out our praise and gratitude for the gift of life. Remember as a child, we would just play in the rain until Mama caught us. Jumping in mud puddles and making mud pies were great adventures. Daddy would take us to the creek to cool off in the water and we would share what had to be the biggest watermelon ever. Memories. Live life with all the joy and wonder of a child. You still have an important part to play in God’s plan. Spread love and laughter wherever you go. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

As I drink my coffee and wait for the dawn, I remember that it is Monday and a work day. I am blessed to live in a country where I have the privilege to own property and have a job. I have the right to worship as I please. There are places in our world where this is not possible. There are families who are homeless and struggle to feed their children. There is always something that we can complain about, but someone out there wishes they had your life, your freedom and your health. Yes, it could be worse. Look within yourself and count the many blessings that you have right now. Be grateful that God woke you up and gave you another day to share with those you love. I am blessed and I am grateful. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Love Is the Answer

Good Morning Everyone!

The quiet of the morning is filled with a different chatter today. The crows are over in David’s trees. There is a bunch of them and they can make some racket. Make a joyful noise into the Lord came into my mind. My meditation is done quietly each day. We all look at life in a different yet similar way. I try to be loving and kind to everyone. Sometimes it is hard. It is during these times that I have to reach down deep into my early teaching and seek guidance. If your problem are heavy, talk to God, ask for guidance, listen and wait for the answer. Gather your families together, listen to their life and share the beautiful bond you have made. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, but it is alway the answer. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright

Little Pleasures

My day started with running errands and getting straw for the flower beds. I stopped at Greers and this beauty caught my eye. A hibiscus with a bloom as big as a saucer. Of course it is now planted by my front porch where I watch the sunrise. It is the little pleasures in life that make it worthwhile. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Child of God

Good Morning Everyone!

It is 5:30 a.m. and 80 degrees. It is going to be another hot day. The yard work will have to be done early before the real heat sets in. But for now, I sit with my cup of coffee watching the morning unfold. The katydids are partying until sunrise and clouds hold back the sun. The pitter patter of condensation runs off the roof and waters my plants. It is a peaceful start to the day. The quiet hours are when I sit and give thanks and praise for all my blessings. Here is where I find peace. I am surrounded by God’s beauty. Find a quiet place and seek peace in your Heart and soul. Take care of yourself for you are a precious child of God. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Open Your Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

The morning is calm and peaceful. A slight breeze flows through the Mimosa tree sending the heavenly scent past my haven on the porch. The dawn breaks soft and gentle as I say my prayers. Lord open my heart so that I may spread your light in this world. Getting older has its challenges. It is not as easy to get going in the morning and I move a lot slower. Maintenance visits at the Doctor are necessary and parts are starting to wear out. Years of experience, love and worry allow you to see beyond the day to day grind and understand that the people who stand beside you on your journey are your greatest treasure and reward. Open your Heart each day and share the light that God placed inside you. The body is changing, but the light of God burns bright in each of us. Crank the music a little louder, drown out the clutter, and Let it Shine. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

His Plan

The sun sets across a rain soaked field tonight. I needed the beauty of the sunset to bring peace to my tired bones and spirit. I tried hard today to stay positive and make the most of my day. Sometimes the world beats you down no matter how hard you try. Reach out in prayer for strength and guidance. God places us where we are supposed to be. You are part of His plan and it will unfold in His time. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤