
The clouds covered the sunset tonight at my place, but it was still a lovely sight to behold. My daughter-in-law captured a beautiful pink and purple display in her back yard. If you can get a clear view of the sky, it is worth the effort to see the beauty. Share the beauty of life with your families. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Cross to Bear

Good Morning Everyone!

The coffee is strong, the birds are singing and I am blessed with a beautiful view of the dawn. Life is filled with joy and hardships. We each have our own cross to bear on our journey. Sometimes the weight of the world seems too much to bear. These are the times to look outside of yourself and your circumstances. The person that helps you each day with a smile or the person sitting beside you may be bearing a heavier load, but chooses to bear it with an attitude of gratitude and love. Being of service to others turns your mind from your own worries and allows you to really see the struggles of your fellow man. Get a new perspective on someone else’s cross and you might find yourself grateful for the one you’ve been given. Share Your Heart and Shine Bright ❤.