
Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. My grandsons wore me out and I slept past the dawn. Everything is wet from the rain and a crow is making racket in the trees. They used to be in the pecan trees by the hundreds. Caw Caw. I laugh at the things I remember. Memories. The smell of my Daddys Old Spice and the smile that lit up his blue eyes fill my mind. My two favorite memories are the way he would do a gig to the music to make us laugh and the way he would kiss my forehead before he left for the day. Love your families with all your Heart. Place beautiful every day loving memories in their hearts so one day they can call back the beauty of your spirit. For you see, it is not the money or the gifts, it is the true love for them that flows from your heart and shines from your eyes. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.