Little Pleasures

My day started with running errands and getting straw for the flower beds. I stopped at Greers and this beauty caught my eye. A hibiscus with a bloom as big as a saucer. Of course it is now planted by my front porch where I watch the sunrise. It is the little pleasures in life that make it worthwhile. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Child of God

Good Morning Everyone!

It is 5:30 a.m. and 80 degrees. It is going to be another hot day. The yard work will have to be done early before the real heat sets in. But for now, I sit with my cup of coffee watching the morning unfold. The katydids are partying until sunrise and clouds hold back the sun. The pitter patter of condensation runs off the roof and waters my plants. It is a peaceful start to the day. The quiet hours are when I sit and give thanks and praise for all my blessings. Here is where I find peace. I am surrounded by God’s beauty. Find a quiet place and seek peace in your Heart and soul. Take care of yourself for you are a precious child of God. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.