Speak Praise

Good Morning Everyone!

It is hot and steamy as I sit with my coffee and await the dawn. It is mid week and I am ready to sleep in on Saturday. Sometimes I think I am wishing my life away by looking to the weekend. I seem to get weary sooner these days. I have to remind myself to take each precious day that I have and live it to the fullest. There may be no tomorrow or no next week to share. Take the trip, say the words and leave no stone unturned in your quest each day. A fool sits and waits for the perfect moment to execute a plan. For you see, every moment, every breath is the perfect moment to say you care and to share your deepest fears or joy. Life is precious. Speak praise with every breath you take and never miss a chance to say Thank you , I love you, I miss you, Come with me. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.