Father’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is a beautiful day to be alive. Today we set aside a day to celebrate and recognize all fathers In our life. A father isn’t created by DNA. A father is the one who stands beside you and loves you through good times and bad. He teaches you right from wrong and helps you grow strong and secure. He leads by example and shows the girls how they deserve to be treated and the boys how to treat their wives. My Dad has been gone 28 years from this earth. I was always sitting at his feet and talking to him. He would kiss me on my forehead and give the biggest bear hugs. He is forever in my heart and by my side. He gave me my smile and always made us laugh. I will see him again one day in heaven. Life is but a fleeting moment in time. Love with all your Heart and cherish the memories. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright