
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The weather was clear and cold. Most people have started to bundle up and give up their shorts. Flip flops still make an appearance every now and then. You can fill the temperature change as the sun sets. Mr Sun went out with a display of colors announcing the glory of the heavens. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! God has given us one more beautiful day of life to live and share. Last night was one of those nights where sleep eluded me again. The stars are shining brightly as I step out with my coffee to hear the rooster crow and breathe deeply of life. It is still way before dawn, but he is an early bird. It is 26 degrees so I am writing from the warmth of my couch. Snow fell in the higher elevations this weekend. This capture is a hill above the orchard. If you look, you can see the snow up in the bald spot. I am sure this winter will bring more changes. Life is about change and growth. Make the most of each day you are given and navigate your way with grace and love through the changes. If you do a little jig as you go like my Daddy did, you can bring a smile to others on this journey called life. Sprinkle love, laughter and joy like glitter along the way. Let them know that you were there. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.