God in Control

A long day draws to a close. It was a long day and very busy. The skies were cloudy and rain fell off and on all day. The trip back home was slow and rainy. It felt good to finally pull into the driveway. Supper is warming and Hallmark is on the TV. May God hold you in his loving embrace until the morning light. No matter the outcome of the election, God is still in control. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is waiting to dawn. My mind drifts to my Daddy as I look at this old photograph. He served his country and raised a family of seven children. His smile tells the joy and beauty of the simple pleasures of life. We were taught to respect our fellow man and be kind to everyone no matter their station in life or their beliefs. We teach our children by example not just words. Live a life that teaches your children to have faith, show kindness and respect for one another and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.