
A long day comes to a close. Clouds cover the sky at sunset. The melting snow causes a haze to spread across the land. All is well in Mt Hood. I met new people today and explained my accent a couple of times. It always makes me smile when they guess Alabama.  Hugs and smiles are a universal language. Share a few tonight. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. ❤
Good Morning Everyone! All is quiet this


Good Morning Everyone! All is quiet this morning except for the pitter patter of water running off the roof. The snow is melted in town, but higher up where I am, there is plenty to be seen. Fog clings to the trees making an eerie scene before me. I keep looking for animals, but have seen only tracks in the snow. We all leave footprints upon the ground as we travel through our day. No one seems to notice them anymore as they wash away with time and weather. The impression we make on each other with our words and actions has lasting effects. Thoughtless words can damage the spirit of another.  As you go through your day, be mindful of your words and actions.  Spread only kindness,  love and compassion.  Use words to build each other up to be the light God created.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.