
Good Morning Everyone! Another beautiful day is underway.  It is almost dawn as I sit on the porch and watch the sky.  It is cloudy again today and rain is expected.  I am patiently awaiting the return of the sunrise filled with colors. They say it will happen in the spring.  Good things are worth the wait. For now, I am enjoying the forest and the play of snow across the landscape.  Each new day is a blessing. God has chosen that I awaken another day and share my thoughts and smile. I don’t have much to offer this world in the way of money, but I have a way to share the light of God’s love in this world of ours. Shine your light so bright that people just have to smile.  Every Heart needs a smile.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 


A long day comes to a close. Clouds cover the sky at sunset. The melting snow causes a haze to spread across the land. All is well in Mt Hood. I met new people today and explained my accent a couple of times. It always makes me smile when they guess Alabama.  Hugs and smiles are a universal language. Share a few tonight. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. ❤
Good Morning Everyone! All is quiet this


Good Morning Everyone! All is quiet this morning except for the pitter patter of water running off the roof. The snow is melted in town, but higher up where I am, there is plenty to be seen. Fog clings to the trees making an eerie scene before me. I keep looking for animals, but have seen only tracks in the snow. We all leave footprints upon the ground as we travel through our day. No one seems to notice them anymore as they wash away with time and weather. The impression we make on each other with our words and actions has lasting effects. Thoughtless words can damage the spirit of another.  As you go through your day, be mindful of your words and actions.  Spread only kindness,  love and compassion.  Use words to build each other up to be the light God created.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 


Good Morning Everyone! This morning I am sitting outside wrapped in my snuggy on the front porch.  The snow is starting to melt and makes a pitter patter sound as it drops from the roof. The silence of the morning is broken by an airplane flying overhead. It is the beginning of a new week and there are a lot of details to be handled. For now, at this moment in time, I will breathe deep of the fresh cold air and thank God for a new day. The beauty and peace of the moment reinforces my spirit to handle what may come my way. Start your day with prayers of gratitude for another day to share God’s light into your world.  Our world needs all the beauty,  kindness,  laughter and love that we can share. Change one Heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 

You are loved

Good Morning Everyone! Coffee in hand I sit in the warmth of the house and watch the predawn sky. The moon shines down across the land from a clear sky. Things change quickly here. Clouds move in and snow falls. Gray clouds cover the sunrise. In life, we have good times and bad. A beautiful day may be ruined by problems or illness.  Hold your head up, keep your faith and move ever forward in love and kindness.  Before you know it, the sun will shine again. This too shall pass. Fill your days with joy and laughter.  You are loved.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


A long day comes to a close.  I stepped out back to capture the sky. The sun had not set ,but the sky was such a beautiful shade of blue. I had to share. The snow started melting in town today and was slushy.  Each day is interesting and challenging.  Hold your families close and give them extra hugs. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Love one another

Good Morning Everyone! The sky is covered in clouds again today. The predawn light cast a blue glow across the trees and snow. It is beautiful, but the elements look cold and unforgiving.  Snow on the mountain means tourists and locals will be skiing this weekend.  The harsh elements of nature feed the economy of the town. The beauty I once saw only in picture now is displayed before me. If you never venture out from your daily routine,  you will miss the experience of seeing God’s creation and making new friends.  You don’t have to go far. God has created a big glorious world. A new adventure awaits in a nearby town, a trip to the beach, a picnic in the park or a viewing of the sunrise or sunset in your own yard. Grab your families and experience the beauty life has to offer. Love one another.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


Good Morning Everyone! It is cold out this morning.  As I stepped into the kitchen to make my coffee,  I saw the glow coming from outside.  The sky was clear and the moon was casting a glow across the landscape.  The mountain once again was included in the visual wonderland that I am witnessing.  The forest was silent and you could feel peace. The struggles of life are still with us. If we believe and let God’s love cast light into our hearts, we will find peace within ourselves.  Sit still and share your Heart with God. Let him know your fears, worries,  joy and dreams.  He will walk beside you on your journey and carry you on the darkest days. Absorb God’s love and reflect it into your world.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 

Sweet Dreams

A long day comes to a close. It was a good day at work. Meeting new people and sharing smiles is alway fun. They can all tell where I am from. I guess my accent gives it away. Snow was beautiful on the ground this morning. There was none in the town. It was like snow everywhere one moment and then no snow in sight. I am eating healthier and have friends watching out for me. Life is good. Snuggle up and let them know they are loved. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams.


Good Morning Everyone! I slept in this morning,  but it is still not dawn here. The air is crisp and feels good in my lungs. Clouds move across the mountain covering it completely at times. The wind whistles through the pine trees telling me that rain is on the way. The sights and sounds of nature give us insights into the weather.  The animals hunker down for the storms and the ants build their mounds up higher. If we pay attention,  people give us the same insights into the storms or joy in their lives. God gave us all these amazing senses to make it in this world. If we could only look each other in the eyes and really listen, we could sense the pain, sorrow and joy of each other. Reach out in love, compassion and understanding.  Life is best when shared with others. They are only a heartbeat away. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.