
Good Morning Everyone! It is raining this morning,  but not cold enough to snow. The wind is blowing through the pines so change is coming.  I keep waking at 3 am and having trouble getting back to sleep.  It is a body cycle I dont like. Changes with aging are not grand. It seems something is always going south or wrong. It definitely slows the body down. This slow down gives us more time to watch and listen to the beauty of God’s creations.  The birds cry out as I listen to the wind and rain. Laughter always makes me happy, especially the giggles from a child. There is beauty in youth and grace with wisdom as we age. I am alive and able to enjoy and share  the beauty of our world. I am blessed.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine

Follow the Rows Home

Good Morning Everyone!

I wait for the dawn on my back porch this morning enjoying my first cup of coffee. The predawn sounds fill me with peace. Condensation rolls from the roof and makes the familiar pitter patter sound on the deck. The sky fills with pinks and purples. I was captivated by the green in the fields and the background of color. A memory surfaced reminding me that if I ever get lost, follow the rows home. Home is where the heart is. When you feel lost and alone, allow your mind and heart to go back home. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Blue Skies Ahead

#photography #SUNRISE #inspirational
Good Morning Everyone!

The sun didn’t rise behind my closed eyelids this morning. It sure did feel nice to sleep in. My capture this morning is my dirt road. The road of life is not paved or smooth. The journey is a rough one, but filled with rewards of love, family and beauty. The view ahead has blue sky and light. To my left, the sun was struggling through stormy skies. Either way you look, the light is constant. Focus on the light and believe. Get outside today and breath in the fresh cool air. It always makes me feel alive when my lungs take it in. Crank up the music and dance. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Sunshine in Your Smile

Good Morning Everyone!

It is finally Friday! I am not wishing my life away, but it sure will feel good to sleep in tomorrow . The dawn breaks with shades of yellow and orange in a cloudless sky. It looks like a sunny day to finish out the work week. Get out today and visit friends or catch up on older relatives. We all need to know someone still cares. Shine a little light into someone’s day with your smile. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.