Christmas Eve

Good Morning Everyone! It is cloudy out again today. Christmas Eve has finally arrived. I have to work a half day.. Everything is as ready as it is going to get. It is time to start our Savior’s Birthday Party. My mind has been filled with the song, Mary Did You Know. The love you feel when you hold your newborn child is beyond measure. Kisses were placed by the thousands upon their precious heads. The face created by God. Jesus came to us as a newborn to be loved and cherished. He came as a helpless child in need of protection. He was a part of God’s plan. Each of us are a perfect creation of God and have a place in his plan. Look upon each other as beloved children of God in need of protection, love, food and shelter. I don’t know what my part is in God’s plan, but I will continue to pray for guidance, lead with kindness, love and compassion and share the beauty of his creation. Be Safe this Christmas Season and celebrate with the love and innocence of a child. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! I slept past the dawn today. Rain, fog and clouds still fill the sky. It is a quiet morning. There are no sounds of trucks in the distance. It is a day of worship and rest. A day to rejuvenate your spirit and feed your soul. Time slows us all down, but we must take some time for ourselves so that we can give our best to those we love. Crank up the music and dance like no one is watching. Bring joy and laughter into your heart each day and remember to say thank you for all your blessings great and small. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! The predawn hour is rainy and pleasant.  The gentle pitter patter of rain on the roof is soothing and peaceful.  It will be a busy day with family and holiday baking. Once again time has slipped up on me. There never seems to be enough. There is so much to get done and I always want it to be special.  The gathering of family and friends is what makes it special.  The house will never be perfect,  the potatoes and gravy may be lumpy and yes Mama burned the biscuits again. These will be the memories that make us laugh through the years. Not a single one of us is perfect.  The important part is that we all share a bond of love and friendship.  We come together to share our lives and rekindle the love that holds our hearts together. Give prayers of gratitude to God for the people in your life. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


Good Morning Everyone! The predawn hour is rainy and pleasant.  The gentle pitter patter of rain on the roof is soothing and peaceful.  It will be a busy day with family and holiday baking. Once again time has slipped up on me. There never seems to be enough. There is so much to get done and I always want it to be special.  The gathering of family and friends is what makes it special.  The house will never be perfect,  the potatoes and gravy may be lumpy and yes Mama burned the biscuits again. These will be the memories that make us laugh through the years. Not a single one of us is perfect.  The important part is that we all share a bond of love and friendship.  We come together to share our lives and rekindle the love that holds our hearts together. Give prayers of gratitude to God for the people in your life. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


A long day comes to a close. It was a hectic morning. Thank goodness it was a half day. I went to lunch with a special group of friends who have become my family.  The love we share for each other was alive in the air as we talked and laughed.  There was a crazy visit to Walmart and a long drive home. As I pulled down my road, I had to stop and capture the moment.  The beauty of the sunset completed the feelings I was having today about friendship.  God brings special angels into our lives to share our journey.  Thank you , Lord, for the Angels in my life.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. 💕

God’s Creations

Good Morning Everyone! IIt is a beautiful morning. Y’all know I am always looking at the sky. There was a streak of light moving low across the horizon. It is still thirty minutes before dawn so I knew it wasn’t the effects of the sun. I tried to capture, but quality is poor in the darkness. It was exciting. If anyone knows what it was, let me know. Nothing like a little excitement in the morning to get the blood pumping. There are little moments in life that will be missed if we don’t pay attention. A baby’s first steps, the spark of love in someones eyes, the sounds of laughter from your child or the beauty of the dawning of a new day. They are precious events that are captured for a brief moment and saved as treasured memories. Look outside yourself and see the wonders of God’s creations. Remember, he created you and me. Count your blessings and be grateful. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Absorb the Beauty

Good Morning Everyone! It is clear and cold this morning. I take a deep breath of clean fresh air. The cold air fills my lungs and refreshes my spirit. The peace of the morning seems to absorb into my soul. Quiet times are needed to allow us to reflect on our life, send prayers of gratitude and prepare for the day ahead. The world is filled with over stimulation of our senses causing anxiety and worries. Take time each day to talk to God. He listens without judgement. Breathe deep of the peace that surrounds him and absorb the light of love that flows from his presence. Reflect that light to those that surround you. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.