Lead By Example

Good Morning Everyone! It is a beautiful morning. I stayed up late watching a movie I had already seen. I don’t know why I do that. Even with recording devices now, it just seems wrong to turn the TV off before the credits roll. I guess it goes back to lessons in life like don’t go in the out door at the store. If you start something, then you need to do your best and finish. We were shaped by our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and teachers at school. It is vital that we pass down the lessons of faith, hope and love. Children learn by example. Show them how to be loving, kind and compassionate in all your actions. Not only will they feel loved, they will pay it forward to others. We can bring faith and love back into our world. Treat one another the way you would want to be treated. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.