Unique Creations

A long day at work comes to a close. It is dark out except for the security light in the oak tree. I looked up and noticed how different it looked, but was beautiful in it’s own way. Aren’t we all different,  unique and beautiful creations of God? Take the time to see the beauty in each other. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕

God’s Angel

Good Morning Everyone! It is calm and quiet as I await the dawn. The alarm had to awaken me today. I slept hard. Perhaps it is a two cup of coffee day. Thank you ,Lord, for another day to share. You never know what adventure awaits us each new day. It could be a normal uneventful day or a life changing day. We have to look forward with hope, faith and love. See life as a child. It is filled with great hopes, dreams and wonder. No day is ordinary.  Each day we are changed or shaped by our interactions and circumstances. Everything I do affects those around me. A simple act of kindness,  a kind word, a smile or even a kind listening ear can change a heart without our knowledge.  God has a plan for you. Shine your light bright and lead with love, compassion and kindness.  He will place hearts in need in your path. Be God’s angel today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.