Unconditional Love

Good Morning Everyone! The sun was peeking over the horizon as I stepped outside. I can hear what sounds like seagulls calling in the distance.  I had noticed yesterday that hundreds of them had gathered in a field on Hwy 59 in Robertsdale.  Must be a storm brewing or maybe good eating in the newly plowed field. Good food and friends always make for a happy time. It is wonderful when we can all come together in love and friendship.  Ideas, hopes and dreams fill the air. Unconditional love and acceptance allows the conversations to flow and laughter to heal aching hearts and wounded spirits.  Listen to each other without judgement. We were all created by God and he doesn’t make mistakes. Lead with an open mind and a loving Heart.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  

Christmas Tree

A long day comes to an end. It was rainy and cloudy this afternoon.  I got my Christmas tree up and decorated.  My holiday baking is done and I am set for the week to come. I am watching Hallmark and the lights twinkling on my tree. Life is good. Hold your love ones close for as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕