
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. It is my weekend. I am going to the quilt expo in Portland today with friends. Tomorrow is our local Blossom Festival and the local quilters show. It will be an eventful weekend. Sharing times with friends is always good for my spirit. God puts friends in our lives to share the ups and downs. Kindred spirits who believe in God’s plan and look out for each other are priceless. Friends can be found in all walks of life and all seasons. Sometimes your best friend can be your sister, brother or spouse. Whoever God has chosen for you, remember to say thank you and be grateful for this blessing in your life. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Clear blue skies, a cold breeze and birds singing a joyful song of praise greet me as I peek outside. I captured the mountain proudly displaying its new coat of snow. Strong and proud created by God. We are all children of God and should hold our heads high and be proud of the beautiful work of art that is you. He knows we are not perfect and we make mistakes or stray from His path. He waits silently for our return with unconditional love. Reach out with your heart and let His light flow through the broken pieces and heal the wounds. You are loved. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. A light snow falls gently across the landscape. A winter storm left a light dusting of snow to remind us not to count our chickens before they are hatched. No matter how much we want winter to end, it is holding on a little longer. There are no promises or guarantees in this life except the promise from God that a heavenly home awaits if we believe. I believe. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.

Let It Shine

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. It is a beautiful clear, cold day and the mountain looks like it got a new coat of snow. The fans in the orchard set up a steady roar like a helicopter near by. Farmers protect their crops just as we look after and protect our children. We do the best we can under the circumstances and do a lot of praying. God is in control of all things, but I know he listens to my prayers. It settles my mind when I pray and place my worries on His shoulders. Let Him bear your worries so you can put a song in your heart and shine the light of His love to lead the way. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  There is a steady beat of rain hitting my roof along with high winds. They are even predicting snow. This weather sure is fickle. My capture is from yesterday at a friend’s house. These beauties lined the hill and captured my eye with their striking shade of purple.  Life can sometimes jump out and surprise you with a simple flower among the rocks and trees. I call these little messages of love sent from God to brighten my day. Look for your little messages and remember to be grateful for everyone in your life. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  The fans are roaring in the fields to protect the tender blossoms in the orchard from the frost and I am snuggled in my blanket. The birds are dancing on the feeder and the neighbors cat is slipping through the bushes to capture a meal. Sometimes I can get lost watching nature and the beauty in life, but there is work to be done. It is important to take time for yourself and listen to the rhythm of life. Fill your senses with the beauty in life, say a prayer of gratitude and get out there and make beautiful memories. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! Another beautiful day is underway. Clear skies, sunshine and 36 degrees greet me this morning. Spring has not reached where I live, but in town the flowers and trees are blooming. These rhododendrons remind me of the beautiful azaleas that grace Baldwin County. Going through winter makes us appreciate the earth coming to life in spring. Going through hardship, sorrow and pain make us appreciate life and those Angels who surround us with their love. Be God’s angel today and spread peace, love and kindness. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Shades of blue and pink fill the sky as the sun reaches the horizon. It is a glorious display of God’s love for us. Thank you Lord! Fill my heart with the light of your love and send me to the person who needs encouragement, hope, love and laughter. I am your servant and pray each day that my words touch the hearts in need. I may not be able to change the world, but I can change someone’s world for the better by being a friend or lending a listening ear. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.