
My day draws to a close. It was long and hot. The outside temperature was 90 degrees and inside is 80 at 6:15 pm. We are still waiting on the air conditioner promised by the landlord. This heat wave is only lasting another day so we should be good next week in the 70’s. My capture is from this morning. I saw these beauties on the hillside and had to capture them for y’all. They are God’s messengers of love and hope. I sure hope they make ya’ll smile like I did. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Pass it on

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is unusually still and quiet outside, except for the rooster. There is no chattering of the birds like most days. I can see the mountain with its bare slopes in need of snow. The sky lights up with shades of pink as the sun begins its climb into the sky. A new day has dawned. Gone is the darkness and the worries of the night. God’s gift of a new day is filled with hope and promise. There are people to meet and lives in need of a little kindness . Any act of kindness is never to small. We all reach out to others in our own way. A simple smile or act of respect and courtesy may mean the world to a broken spirit or hurting heart. Be loving and kind to everyone. The deepest pain is hidden from our view and we do not know what others have to endure to make it another day. We are blessed. Pass it on. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.