
My day draws to a close. It was a good day filled with sewing. I finally made it half way through the quilting process. I think I need a long arm machine and a quilting frame to ease this process. They are really expensive so maybe I can find a used and loved machine. I was able to catch my little hummingbird friend as he sipped his nectar. He blends in with the surroundings, so you have to look closely. God is an amazing artist. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

God’s Children

Good Morning Everyone! God has chosen to awaken me to another beautiful day. The sky is clear of smoke and the mountain is gleaming in the sunshine. Old songs from childhood run through my head. I look around at the beauty that surrounds me and know that God created everything for me and you. Every yucky bug and beautiful flower has a purpose in His plan. We must work together in peace,sharing love, compassion and respect for one another. We all need and want to be respected for who we are inside. We are all God’s children wrapped in different colors, shapes and sizes. We are loved. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.