
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The skies were blue and people were loving the weather. I captured the moon outside the office. The sky was alive with color and the moon was basking in the glow of God’s glory. Be sure to look out at the moon tonight. It is beautiful. Special Prayers for those in the path of the hurricane down South. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! I am sitting with my thoughts and my coffee awaing the dawning of a beautiful new day. It has warmed up to 45 degrees and the stars are twinkling away in the vastness of the heavens. It always leaves me in awe when I look up at the stars and think of how far away they are, yet their light reaches my eyes. God’s love can reach us no matter where we are. A simple act of kindness has a ripple effect inside peoples hearts. You may never know that a common courtesy for another may be the only light that they have seen in their life. People carry their burdens and hide behind fake smiles and gaiety. They desperately need the light and love of God and the kindness in a loving heart. Be that light that shines a path and brings hope to an empty heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.