Enjoy The Ride

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. Temperatures have risen and it is actually 40 degrees before dawn. Snow is still frozen to the landscape, but roads are clear. My capture is from last week. I love the beauty of the snow as it clings to the trees. Although the weather can be harsh, you can not deny the beauty. Life can be harsh and filled with pain and sorrow, too. Just like the snow, it does not last, but the memories remain. Our journey through life takes us down many roads filled with twist, turns and some pretty big potholes. We can not focus on the potholes in life, but embrace the joy, love and laughter each day. We were never promised a bed of roses or another moment of time, but a gift of everlasting life if we believe. Hang on tight, keep your faith and enjoy the ride. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The rooster is back to crowing his heart out and a slight breeze sends a chill down my spine. I am now enjoying my coffee on the couch, under a cozy blanket. A new week has started and businesses should be getting back to normal. Life goes on no matter the weather. We all have to deal with what Mother Nature throws our way. During the bad storms in life, we realize how much we need each other. God is always beside us, but He has sent angels as friends, family and sometimes complete strangers to help us on our journey. Look outside yourself and your own circumstances and reach out to others. Be God’s angel in someones life. When you look outside yourself, you will discover who you are and your purpose in life. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. As dawn approaches, I can see the outlines of the mountain standing proud and covered in snow. My hummingbird feeder hangs alone and forgotten. My hummingbird moved on to greener pasture while I was on vacation. We have to take care of the things or people who are important to us. Neglect and lack of respect for each other closes hearts. We all need kindness, compassion, love and a little tender loving care. The people who walk beside you on your journey were sent from God for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Be kind and grateful for each and every one. I am grateful for you my friends. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.

More It

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. It is a still and quiet morning. The wind must have blown that storm somewhere else because it is not snowing. Perhaps when the temperature rises above freezing, I can get my car moving. Friends dug me out if the snow, but the roads have been icy. Cars don’t like to sit too long without being cranked and moved. Our bodies are amazing machines created by God to carry us through life. We have to take care of ourselves with good fuel, regular maintenance and exercise. Everyone can’t get around so good due to accidents or illness, but we must move the best we can and keep our minds active and learning. Pick up a good book, revisit an old hobby of painting, crocheting or knitting. Do something each day that brings a smile to your face and reminds you of the joy in life. You are loved beyond measure. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is well before dawn as I listen to the silence of the night. Rain falls steadily on my metal roof with a soothing pitter patter rhythm. The rooster must be snowed in because I have not heard him since I got home. The snowy scenery is beautiful, but has its own challenges for people getting around. As with our hurricanes down South, the best of human nature is seen as neighbors and friends help one another to dig out and get back to normal. We all need one another on this journey called life. It is the little gestures of kindness that make the heart swell with love and hope. Spread love and laughter throughout your day and always be kind. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is 37 degrees and raining. The piles of snow will melt away. Sounds of snow sliding from my roof fill the house. It is a scary sound at 2 am. I wasn’t able to get around outside to capture many pictures. This is my front yard yesterday morning. There is so much beauty in our lives and our world. We must grab the beautiful moments and hold them in our hearts and minds. Sweet memories of my children and grandchildren warm my heart and bring a smile to my face. Life changes fast and memories of our loved ones hold us until we meet again. Made beautiful memories together. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I got back to a winter wonderland yesterday. It is beautiful, but does limit everyone’s ability to move around. A dear friend and her husband picked me up at the airport and even stopped at the grocery store. They had been snowbound themselves for days. My heart swelled with gratitude when I got the message that they were coming. Other friends got me to my house and made sure that I was safely inside. My capture is in front of the office. I will capture more of nature’s beauty after daylight. God has placed special people in all our lives to walk beside us in good times and bad. They are His messengers of hope, love and beauty. Be grateful every day for those who walk beside you. They are true gifts from God. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. It is a chilly start to the day. I guess the Lord is preparing me for my transition back to a colder climate. I am looking forward to taking pictures of the snow, but will miss my family. We made beautiful memories and enjoyed our time together. I am where I am supposed to be to play my part in God’s plan. Near or far, we hold each other in our hearts until we meet again. Love know no boundaries. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. I am enjoying the sounds of the morning as I drink my coffee. The wind blows through the pines and the birds announce the new day. Change is in the air and temperatures drop tomorrow, if only for a short while. It has been nice to be outside absorbing the sunshine. The kids go back to school tomorrow and everyone heads back to work. There never seems to be enough time to spend together. Make beautiful memories every chance you get. They are but moments in time on our trip to eternity. Remember to spread love and laughter throughout your day. Be God’s light. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

New Year

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn on this first day of the new year. Heavy skys greet the first day of the new year. This day is no more special then all the other days that God has chosen to awaken us. Each day we choose our attitude and outlook on life. We either choose to share love, laughter, compassion and kindness or spew hate and discontent. We can not control the actions and attitudes of others. Neither can we control ever situation or circumstance of life. We can only choose how we act and react to each other. I have a part in God’s plan. I choose to share his love with kindness, compassion and understanding. I choose to Shine my light to bring joy and beauty into our world. What do you choose? Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.