
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. I slept past dawn and sure didn’t want to get out from under the covers, but a new day awaits. My capture is a beautiful willow tree I saw while making wreaths. I had to ask if someone had been painting the tree. It was bright orange and unlike anything I remembered seeing. It was painted by God as part of His creation of all things great and small. His attention to detail is amazing. Just think that every detail of your beautiful self was handcrafted by the Master Artist. You are perfect in His eyes and where you are supposed to be to serve His purpose. Get moving and spread the light of His love. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. Thoughts running through my head would not let me go back to sleep, so I sit in the darkness watching the landscape and planning my day. A few stars are twinkling through cloudy skies and the rooster is still sleeping. I am excited about making wreaths with my friends today and checking out a Christmas Bazaar. Life is busy, rushed and there is always something that needs to be done at work or home. We have to stop and take time to do the things that bring us joy. The chores and work aren’t going anywhere. Visit with your family, read a book or hold that baby a little long. I used to love watching movies with my children and grandchildren as they snuggled up beside me. We are all busy. You just have to adjust your priorities. Live and love today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Be Proud

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. The rooster is crowing his little heart out as the sun reaches for the sky. It is a cold morning so I snuggle deep in my blanket as I watch the magic of the sunrise unfold. No matter what happens each day, I can be assured that God loves me and the sun will rise and set each day. He is the beginning and the end of all things. I am grateful for all my blessings and work hard each day to live up to His belief in me. You are a child of God. Be proud. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I captured this little beauty on my way to work. I love the way the light plays across the landscape. Shades of blue and green blend together to create a peaceful scene. We all come in different shapes, sizes, colors and have different views and opinions. We all blend together as one people, yet retain our own individuality. Each and every one of us are beautiful creations of God put on this earth for a purpose. Reach out to one another with love and kindness. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The rooster is crowing under a dark cloud covered sky. He is making up for the silence of yesterday morning. I gather my thoughts for the new day and wonder what it holds for me. The weekend ahead will be filled with a wreath making session and a visit to a Christmas event. The excitement is building for the holidays ahead. I can’t live in the past, but only reflect and cherish the memories. The future awaits, but holds no promises. I must make the most of each day by reaching out to others with kindness, love and compassion. Life moves forward a heartbeat at a time. Make beautiful memories and do the things that bring joy to yourself and others. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright