
A good day draws to a close. I had lunch with my precious niece and shared laughter and love. The bourbon balls got mixed up and will be candy coated tomorrow. You don’t have to have grand events to create memories. You only need to spend time together and share your Heart with love and laughter. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. Chilly temperatures have found me down South, but it is better than the 18 inches of snow they’re having in Oregon. My friends have been sending me beautiful pictures of the landscape. Life is hard no matter where you live. You must look for the beauty that surrounds you and live each day to the fullest. Bloom where God has planted you and Shine His light. You are still an important part of His plan and someone needs that special touch, word or smile that is uniquely you. Be His light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright