Life is a blessing

Good Morning Everyone!

My coffee sure does taste good this morning. I am listening to the birds sing and a lone woodpecker working away at my pecan tree. Sometimes I wish I knew what the birds are saying. They are so happy and full of life. I ponder too long and the day begins. We were not meant to understand all things in life. We have to move forward with faith and be grateful for all the blessings in our life. Look around. You are blessed in great and small ways. Share your blessings with every beat of your Heart. Life itself is a blessing. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Lead with Love

Good Morning Everyone! It is a beautiful morning with a lot of clouds. There is a single star leading the sun into the day. It is not the biggest or the brightest star, but it is doing its job. Even the smallest among us has a job in this world. It is either to lead or follow. You dont have to be bright, shiny or bold to make an impact. You have to be yourself and share you light for all to see. When you make a difference in one life, the world is changed. Lead your day and your family with love and kindness. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Spread joy and laughter

Good Morning Everyone!It was a long night filled with bad weather and booming thunder. I paced the floor listening for tornadoes. I finally had to ask the Lord to give me rest and hold me in his arms. I slept till dawn. It is a soggy and cloudy day. I am blessed to wake another day and share with yall. Sometimes we have to put our worries in the hands of the Lord and have faith that all will work out to his plan. Make the most of each beautiful day you are given and leave only joy and laughter in your wake. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Sweet Memories

Good Morning Everyone!

It is another beautiful day. The sky is overcast and we have a slight breeze. It is perfect for working in the yard. During the week, I don’t have time to walk the yard and observe anything new. Yesterday I noticed my Daddy’s dogwood had bloomed. He loved nature and had all kinds of plants that were his favorites. My sister has kept his plants alive and shared with others. It is funny how plants, music and even cloud watching can bring back sweet memories of childhood. Made these memories with you children and grands. One day they will see something that reminds them of you and they will smile. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Nature’s Beauty is Free

Good Morning Everyone!

It is Saturday and my day to sleep past the sunrise if needed. It was needed today. It is a rainy day but the birds are still out on the feeder. I took the cover off the greenhouse and found this beauty. I smiled for hours. Look for those things in life that make you smile. The earth is full of wildflowers and birds that bring beauty to our world. These things are free of charge placed on this earth for our pleasure. Crank the music up loud and dance until your Heart is filled with joy. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright

Dance to Rhythm of Nature

Good Morning Everyone!

Clouds cover the sky and it is pitch black out this morning. The birds are still asleep and the frogs are singing loud and clear. I believe that the soul feels music of all kinds. The music of the birds is soothing and peaceful. Frogs not so much. Listen to the sounds of nature and dance to the rhythm of the day. If you can’t hear nature, find a quiet place and listen. Take time each day to be still and quiet. Reflect, be grateful and rejuvenate your spirit Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Joyful Noise

Good Morning Everyone!

I am running behind today. I slept like a rock for a couple hours and then up and down all night. This getting older isn’t for sissies. It is a beautiful dawn filled with singing birds and joyful noises of a new day. Coffee soothes my spirit as I think of the day to come. A day I choose to make full of joy and laughter. There will be bumps and potholes along the road,, but if we all work together, we can accomplish anything. Gather your team, family or friends together and make a joyful noise unto the Lord today. Show your love of life to the world. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Change A Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

A lovely sight of orange skies and ribbons of clouds met me today as I stepped out to give thanks. Dawn is coming sooner each day. I guess the sun can’t wait to get the day started. We should all feel this way. We were blessed to be awakened and a new day full of possibilities awaits each of use. It is your choice how your day is spent. No matter the task at hand, spend your day with joy and laughter. Spread that joy to all that you see. Change someones Heart today with you light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

God’s Angels

Good Morning Everyone!

The predawn sky is filled with color as the moon and morning star are on the rise. The birds are singing of the beauty and are grateful for another day and the new food I put out. They bring me such peace and joy that I have to show my gratitude. There are people in your life that are there for you rain or shine. These people are God’s Angels sent to share your journey for a short walk or a lifetime. Shower them with love and respect. Give your Heart so that you may be open for abundant blessings. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Lend a Helping Hand

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful cold morning. As my Mother would say, Someone up north left the door open. A thin layer of clouds cover the sky, but I am hoping for a little color in the dawn today. I got a lot done this weekend with help from my grandsons. We all need a hand every now and then. Work always goes faster and easier when you have someone to share the load and add laughter. Reach out and lend a helping hand to your neighbors at home or work. Share a laugh or have a great conversation. Life is meant to be shared with joy and laughter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.