Share Joy

Good Morning Everyone!I slept past the dawn today. It is cool and my cup of coffee is good. The cardinals are dancing on the deck and twirling on the feeder as if it was a carousel. Their day is in full swing. I love to watch the birds. They seem so full of joy. My day will be filled with grandsons and adventures. Spend time with your loved ones. They need that special love that only you can give. God put you in their lives for a reason. Let them bring you joy. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine.

You are loved

Good Morning Everyone!

Dawn breaks across the rain soaked fields. The birds are singing and the rooster crows in the distance. I breathe deep of the cool damp air. The smell of damp earth and life fill my lungs. What a blessing it is to be alive another day. We never know when we will draw our last breath. Leave no kind words or loving thoughts unsaid. Check on your families and friends. Lend a helping hand and leave smiles wherever you go. You are loved. Share that love and shine your light on high beams today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Best is yet to come

Good Morning Everyone!

It is going to be a windy day. The sun is slow rising this morning. Dark clouds fill the sky and the wind is trying it’s best to blow me over. Right at dawn, the rooster crows and the wind stills for the entrance of the sun. Everything in nature knows that something grand is about to happen. Sometimes we must be still, watch and listen for the blessings coming our way. Remove the clutter and distractions from your life and focus on today and what is to come. Be vigilant for the best is yet to come. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Share the beauty

Good Morning Everyone!

Color fills the sky this morning. I am filled with awe and wonder as I pace the road and watch the morning unfold. Sounds of the night turn into morning chatter. Each day starts new and fresh. I am blessed to be alive and able to witness the beauty of dawn. Open your eyes to the beauty. Open your ears to the sounds of your world. Breathe deep and smell the beauty of the flowers. Give the gift of touch with a hug or a simple hand on a shoulder. I am beside you in spirit. Open your heart and receive the beauty and love that awaits. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Shine your light

Good Morning Everyone!The skies are clear and the day is in full swing. The fields are green with crops and the flowers are shouting to the heavens. There is beauty and glory to be seen with every blink of the eye. Absorb the beauty placed before you and reflect the light of love that shines forth from your eyes. Someone out there needs that light today and I am going to shine until I find them. Follow your path and you will be lead to those in need. You only have to open your heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Footprints of Love

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful but cold start to this April morning. Winter just can’t seem to let go and move on. Perhaps my Mommy was right when she said, ” Someone up North left the back door open”. It is funny how we remember little things our parents said or did. Words have such an emotional impact on us. Use only words of kindness and love to others. Perhaps the old saying applies. “If you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all.” Leave only footprints of love on someones Heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Live, Love and Laugh

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a foggy, overcast day, but it is going to be a day filled with laughter and sharing. The grandsons are here for a short time and we are going to the Loxley Strawberry Festival. It is one of our traditions. Time waits for no one. Don’t wait untill later to make precious memories with those you love. Live, laugh and love today. Share Your Heartv❤ and Shine Bright.

God’s Reward

Good Morning Everyone!

It is Friday and a beautiful foggy day is underway. I am not wishing my life away, but I sure am glad it is Friday. This is the time of year for arts and craft festivals and I get to see the grands. I think grandchildren are God’s way of rewarding us. They are such a blessing of joy and love. Scoop up your children, grandchildren or fur babies and have a day filled with laughter and love. Always throw in a few extra hugs for good measure. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Bring sunshine

Good Morning Everyone!

The rooster is crowing and the birds are singing. Eventhough the announcements have been made, the sun has not shown its presence yet. We know it is there. We are called upon to believe in things we can not see every day. Faith, hope and love guide us through life. I work hard every day to show kindness and compassion for my fellow man. Laughter and silliness bring joy to tired and lonely souls. Spread only laughter and joy throughout your day and bring sunshine into the lives of those you meet. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.