Let peace fill your soul

Good Morning Everyone!

Today I am sitting on the beach awaiting the dawn with my sister. We are bundled up because the wind is blowing pretty hard. The sounds of the surf fills our ears as the wind blows through our hair. Instead of a rooster crowing, we have a heron walking the beach. Times like these are Priceless. The beauty of the new day fills the soul with wonder. Make the time to go watch that sunrise or sunset. Let peace fill your soul and rejuvenate your spirit. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Lead with your heart

Good Morning Everyone!

The fog joins me again for my morning coffee. He always likes to add a little extra frizz to my hair. Today is my Friday. I am taking off tomorrow and having a weekend getaway for my Birthday. Taking time for yourself is vital to restore your spirit. Lay your worries aside and make yourself a beautiful memory. There is nothing I truly need to do except let my children and grandchildren know how much they are loved. I do my best to show that every day. No regrets. Love with all your Heart each and every day and always give your best to those you love. The only promises on this earth are those we carry in our hearts. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Embrace the day

Good Morning Everyone!

The mist envelops me again this morning. The rooster cries out announcing the new day. I sit with my coffee enjoying the peace of the dawn. Time passes by so swiftly. I don’t feel the years as much as I see them in the aging of my children and grandchildren. Just for this moment, time stops and I smile at the memories. A new day awaits. Embrace the day and use every moment to share your heart, joy and laughter. New memories and experiences await. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Surprise Package

Good Morning Everyone!

Fog and mist cling to me again this morning. Visibility is low and I feel like I am in my own little world with only the sounds of the morning. What is out there? What new adventure awaits the arrival of the day? Like the fog, it is a mystery. A surprise package to be opened. I love surprises. Forty years ago today, my bundle of joy came into this world. It is a going to be a great day. Go out and open your precious gift of life. Spread joy and kindness to all you meet. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Be kind to yourself

Good Morning Everyone! I decided to sit on my front porch this morning and have coffee. Usually I am curled up in the chair in my room until the sunrise. I can feel the cool, damp air cling to me as I looked out into the fog and mist. To my surprise, the sky starts changing to shades of pink. It made for an unusual picture. The beauty was soft and gentle. To share kindness, we must first be kind to ourselves. Nurture your inner child so that the beauty and love in your heart can shine. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright!

Magic in the new day

Good Morning Everyone!

There was a glimpse of color in the sky this morning before the clouds shut down the magic of the morning.

There is magic and wonder in each new day. New friends. New beginnings and new choices to be made. The key is in the choices you make for yourself. My day hold magic because I choose to see magic and love instead of despair and depression. YOU can choose your VISION too. Open you eyes and your heart to the wonders of the day.

Share Your Heart and Shine Bright.

Reach out with kindness

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a chilly, misty day. I am sharing one of my captures from the other day since I slept past the sunrise. The birds were not out to join me this morning and I noticed the feeders were empty. They must have been watching and fussing at me. As soon as the feeders were full again, I heard one bird spread the word. The feeder party has started. Relationships, like feeders, have to be tended with loving care. We have to reach out to each other with kindness, compassion and a Heart ready to listen. It is just as important to give as it is to receive a kindness. I think I will sit here a while and watch the party. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Open Your Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

It is going to be an awesome day. It is Friday and I only work till noon. I thought the cloud bank was going to keep the sun from showing its beauty today. All of a sudden, the light shot out from the horizon. It felt like someone had opened a door and the light came rushing to meet me. I was actually holding my breath. Sometimes there is magic in the ordinary things in life. Open your heart and let your light spill out onto others. Look for the magic and believe there are still great things to come. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.