Sweet Dreams 11-26-2018

Eastern Sky at Sunset

Every night I would tuck my children in and kiss them on the forehead. As I left the room, I would say “Sweet Dreams Angel”. My children are grown and have little ones of their own. I have made a point to share a photograph or inspiration at night. A quick reminder to say our prayers and wish everyone Sweet Dreams. 

Since the time has changed, I am not afforded the luxury of being where I can see the sunset. As I looked out the front door at work, the Eastern Sky was aglow with color. It is not the first time that I have run out into the parking lot to capture the beauty of the evening sky. Once again, that crazy lady in me looking for sunset, ran out the front door, patients and all. A quick point and snap captured this beautiful moment in time to share with you. The patients just laughed at me. It was worth the effort. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest well and Sweet Dreams.

November 26, 2018

Good Morning Everyone! The sunrise is hidden by the heavy clouds this morning. Before too long, it will be shining bright warming the Earth. It is Monday morning and I am thankful to be alive and well. Many I know did not make it through the holiday weekend. We are blessed with one life. What we do each day with our lives has been left in our hands. Put those hands to work helping, praising and sharing. Reach out to those alone and hurting. You may not have much to give, but a kind word and a smile can make a difference. Be the best you today and leave no kind words unsaid. Love can heal an ailing heart and lift a defeated spirit. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.