Treasure Today

Good Morning Everyone!

I slept past the dawn this morning. Everything is fresh and green after the rain. The rain replenishes the earth and strips the pollen from the air. I can breathe deep and smell the heavenly scent of the Mimosa blossoms. A big rabbit runs across the yard. He stops to look at me from a distance and runs on. Thank you Lord. I do not know what today holds, but right now it is a beautiful day. Live life each precious moment at a time and treasure today because it is a God given gift of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A bad storm passed through the area. My poor tented area was picked up along with a chair and thrown about 15 feet onto my car. There were no damages. I hope my friends and neighbors are all safe. The sun put on a display beyond the clouds. Life is good and I am blessed. Lord, watch over my family and friends as they slumber. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Sweetness of Life

Good Morning Everyone!

The moon is shining like the sun this morning as I have my coffee. The clouds layer the sky adding texture and color. Clouds come and go in our lives making us change and grow. Life moves forward at a fast pace and precious moments seemed to have slipped by as we look back. Wisdom comes with age I guess. I wish I had slowed down sooner and embraced each decade of my life. My prayer for you today: Slow them down Sweet Jesus so they may see the beauty and wonder of all your creations. Talk softly and sweetly a little longer, hug a little tighter, reach out with the tenderness of a child and breathe in the sweetness of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Let it Shine

Good Morning Everyone!

The moon is rising this morning shining its light ahead of the sun. The sounds of the night have gone and I await the dawn. I often step outside at night to see the stars and the moon as they go through their heavenly orbit. It hit me that we are never in total darkness. The moon and stars light the night and the sun lights the day. What an amazing creation God made. He is the light and he provides us light to see even in the darkness. Seek peace, joy and love within yourself so that you too can shine your God given light and lead others out of the darkness. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could look around and see the light of God shining in everyone’s eyes? Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

One Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

My coffee is good as I await the dawn. The sounds of the night mingle with the day. Katydids and birds sing at the same time. Nature seems to be in harmony with each other. The moon and the sun travel the sky together. Night gives way to day and they all have their own place on this earth. We too are creations of God, yet we just can’t seem to get along with each other. Power struggles in all levels of life cause us to treat each other harshly. We have to look outside of ourselves and consider our fellow man. They too are a child of God. Treat each other with kindness, compassion and understanding. Shine your light so bright that they just have to smile. We have to change our world one Heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.