You are Worthy

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  Sleep eluded me once again. It is several hours before dawn as I step out to search the sky. The heavens are filled with twinkling stars that each hold their own mysteries and stories.  Cold air fills my lungs and I retreat back inside to the comfort of my couch and a warm fuzzy blanket.  Every one of us was created by God with love. We each walk our own path in life with our individual experiences, thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams. We share our lives and experiences,  but only God knows every thought inside our head and every beat of our heart.  He knows your flaws and loves you unconditionally.  When you feel down, see your age or doubt your worth in life, grasp the reality that God loves you beyond measure.  You are worthy of love, happiness and prosperity.  Hold your head up and reach for the stars. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. The birds are happily singing their praises for the new day as I fill my lungs with cold mountain air. The beauty of God’s creation never gets old. The hummingbird has a friend over today and I watch as they zoom from the feeder to the tree. They are not good at sharing, even though there is plenty for everyone. As children, we were taught to share and make sure there was enough food or goodies to go around. We had to look out for each other and take care of those who couldn’t help themselves. We need a little more of that in our world. Treat others with kindness, love and compassion. A big smile goes a long way in warming a heart. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright

Live Life

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. Stars twinkle down at me as a steady cold wind blows in my face. The silence of the night is broken by the rooster being an over achiever. Everyone seems to be sprucing up their yards and houses for spring. We all make plans and dream of vacations or trips to visit family and friends. Sometimes it is hard to dream or plan. Finances, illness, loss and life seem to get in the way. It is easy to think that it is too late or my time has passed. It is never to late to make a change or reach for a new dream. The only guarantee in life is that one day it will be our turn to join those in heaven. Until that time, reach high for your dreams and live life to its fullest. Spread God’s light and shine His love. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

God Given Senses

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. My capture is a video of my morning experience as I watch the landscape. Turn up your volume and hear the sounds of the birds singing over the roar of the fans protecting the crops from freezing. Clear blue skies brought freezing temperatures. Man has used their God given senses to protect the crops during the change of the seasons. God equipped us with amazing brains and senses to protect ourselves and learn from nature. You can feel the change in the wind and know a storm is coming. You can smell a snake close by or fish on the beds in the water. Daily, I thank Him for sight to see this beautiful creation and smell to enjoy the fragrance of the flowers. We are blessed. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

God’s Creation

A long day draws to a close. It was a good day with clear blue skies and sunshine. After working half a day, I ventured around town, did errands and took pictures of the flowers. Each road was lined with blooming trees, daffodils and tulips. Everyone loves spring and the rebirth of the landscape. The trip home gave me this beautiful capture of the mountain. The setting sun set the mountain aglow. God’s creations, no matter how big or small, are crafted with beauty and love. Take a look around you and feel His love. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. A steady rain falls across the valley. It wasn’t quite cold enough for snow. I am grateful. This old tin roof sings a pitter patter song as I sit quietly and look into the darkness. A new security light shines in the distance. Rain or shine, workers are in the fields preparing for spring. New trees are being planted and orchards groomed. Signs of new life can be seen on most of the trees. We have to tend ourselves as well as our homes. Maintenance work is always required to make sure our bodies are running smoothly. God dwells within your heart. Eat right, exercise, keep your mind active and give yourself a little tender loving care. You are God’s child. Be proud and hold your head high. A new day awaits. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Wonders of Life

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn.  The sky is clear, as I gaze up at the heavens filled with twinkling stars. It is hard to image that their light is visible to me when they are so far away. God’s creation is filled with numerous wonders and unanswered questions.  The earth spins through the heavens, yet we can’t feel anything. With every beat of our heart, something changes. The sunrise and sunset are miracles that happen each day. Someone celebrates the joy of new life as another mourns the loss of a loved one. We take each day in faith that there is a plan and purpose in the chaos of life. Everlasting life in heaven awaits those who believe. I believe. Thank you, Lord, for another day of life and the wonders of your creation. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I celebrated Easter with friends and spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the beautiful day. Sunflowers and daffodils are blooming. I captured this beautiful to share a little bit of God’s love. I pray you had a blessed Easter and made new memories to treasure. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.

Gift of Yourself

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. A steady roar fills the air from the fans protecting the crops from frost. The sky is filled with twinkling stars this morning. I can even see the dippers. That is about the only one I recognize. I am sure they all know my name by now. My capture is from last weekend when I visited the Crest at Rowena. On the trip back, this old barn stood in the field weathered with time, yet standing proud. I love old barns. They remind me of the past and good memories. We all age and acquire that weathered look that tells the story of a life lived with joy, hardship and love. We have withstood the test of time and are still giving it all to our families, friends and society. God gave us another day to contribute our gifts of love. Share the gift of yourself with love, laughter and a heart filled with kindness. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a beautiful day and I went on an adventure alone. I drove up to the crest at Rowena. I was empowered when I handled the narrow winding roads with ease. I even got off the path and walked up a hill to a ledge to capture this moment. God’s creation is amazing and His love is unconditional. Hold your families close and share His story of love. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.